
March 26, 2019

Učenici Richmond Park Schools osvojili 1 zlatnu, 3 srebrne i 4 bronzane medalje na međunarodnom takmičenju IFEST 2019 u Tunisu

Učenici Richmond Park Koledža Sarajevo i Richmond Park Međunarodne srednje škole Tuzla ostvarili su sjajne rezultate na međunarodnom takmičenju “IFEST 2019”.
March 26, 2019

The scientific work of our graduate student Hata Botonjić selected as the best research paper at one of the largest conferences in the field of gastroenterology in America

Hata Botonjic, a final year student at the University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, has done scientific work on “Changes in bone mass in patients with […]
March 26, 2019

Naučni rad naše maturantice Hate Botonjić odabran kao najbolji istraživački rad na jednoj od najvećih konferencija u polju gastroenterologije u Americi

Bišćanka Hata Botonjić studentica završne godine Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu tokom boravka na Univerzitetu Cambridge u Engleskoj, uradila je naučni rad na temu “Promjene koštane mase […]
February 25, 2019

10th BOSEPO Project Olympiad finished, IBU Scholarships for the Winners

Awards Ceremony of the 10th BOSEPO Project Olympiad was held at Richmond Park Schools.
February 25, 2019

10. BOSEPO Olimpijada okončana, najboljima stipendije Burch Univerziteta

Održana ceremonija zatvaranja 10. BOSEPO naučne olimpijade u Richmond Park školama.
January 25, 2019

Free Preparation Lessons for “Eksterna Matura” – Richmond Park International School Tuzla

Richmond Park International Secondary School Tuzla shall realize a project called “Free Preparation Lessons for Eksterna Matura” in duration of five weeks between 26th January until […]