Dear mad scientists! BOSEPO 2018 is coming soon. Yeah, we know, it’s the most anticipated event of our schools. New friendships are made, new people are met, competing spirit is at its finest, the hype is real. Some of you want to invent warm water again, some of you strive for new heights and dream about being Nobel prize winners and some of you just want to have a little bit of fun. Whatever the case, BOSEPO is there for you.
Now let’s get to the point. There are two dates you need to put in your calendar.
Project Submission Deadline: 12.02.2018
BOSEPO Event: 23-24.02.2018
There will be five categories: Environment, Energy, Engineering & IT , Junior and Short Movie. Of course you always wonder what are the rules for applications. Yes, like the years before one can participate in both science categories and short movie. This means you can have a project in one of the 4 science categories: Environment, Energy, Junior or Engineering and on top of that you can be a part of a Short Movie category as well. As usual two students are allowed maximum per project. If you choose to prepare both science and short movie project, you don’t have to be in the same team, you can be in different teams. Just make sure that for both projects someone is always there for the judges.
We cannot reveal you the theme for short movie category, but stay tuned we will inform you soon enough!
BOSEPO facebook:
BOSEPO website:
UPDATE: This year’s theme for short movie is "LOVE CONQUERS ALL".